Individual Gifts

Group Gifts

Other Forms of Giving

Individual Gifts

Give by Cash or Check

If you’d like to give by cash or check, bring your gift to our office or simply mail your donation to:

Bama Wesley
ATTN: Campus Ministry Administration
505 9th St.
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401

Gifts may be given by electronic check/ACH transfer using our online system described above.

Group Giving

As the United Methodist Campus Ministry to The University of Alabama, Bama Wesley is proud to partner with churches, Sunday School classes, and other groups. For local United Methodist churches, we want to be your college ministry and represent you on campus. For churches – whether United Methodist or otherwise – your financial support of Bama Wesley is a great way to continue to support your students that have come to Alabama.

If you’re interested in partnering financially with Bama Wesley, the best way to do so is by including us as a line item in your missions (or equivalent) budget with a regular disbursement. Alternatively, if you’d like to support specific projects and other needs as they arise, we’d be happy to discuss what those options might entail.

For more details and to let us know you’d like to partner with us, please email [email protected]

group of people sitting on ground with bonfire

Other Ways to Give

Stocks, Bonds, Property, and Other Non-Monetary Gifts

In general, it is the policy of Bama Wesley to request that stocks, bonds, property, and other non-monetary gifts be sold at a competitive rate and the proceeds donated to Bama Wesley using one of the methods listed above. However, we are happy to discuss these types of gifts with you further and, if necessary, involve your financial advisor and the North Alabama United Methodist Foundation (which advises on all non-monetary gifts to Bama Wesley). To schedule a time to discuss these gifts further, please email [email protected].

Planned Giving

Bama Wesley is honored to be considered as a part of your estate planning. By including Wesley as a beneficiary of your estate, you are able to leave a legacy on the campus of The University of Alabama that will ensure that students for generations to come have a place of community on campus and are equipped to be spiritual leaders for the rest of their lives. If you are considering including Bama Wesley in your estate, please contact [email protected].

Corporate Gifts

Bama Wesley is happy to partner with corporate entities as part of their philanthropic efforts and, as a 501(c)(3), can provide documentation of your generosity for tax purposes. If your business would like to contribute to Bama Wesley’s mission and ministry, please email [email protected].

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